Media Attention

My recent interview on Doordarshan(DD Jharkhand) TV channel on career opportunities in "Energy Engineering" by Chanda Kumari
Interview on Doordarshan(DD Jharkhand) TV channel on "Solar cells" in a program of "Nayi Dishayein" by Nidhi Kumari

Recent research highlight

PV-Magazine International:   PV-powered underground heat exchanger for buildings

The Hindu: Can the ayurvedic kamala fruit harness the power of the sun?

           PV-Magazine International:  All perovskite two-terminal tandem solar cell tech with 32.3% efficiency 

Matt Ferrell made popular YouTube video  on Perovskite Solar Cells Could Be the Future of Energy, he has highlighted our work on lead-free perovskite solar cells... from 10.50m 

Tesla Domain YouTube channel "These New Perovskite Solar Cells Can Revolutionize The Energy Industry!!" from...7.00m

Interview:                     Anandabazar Patrika


IUSSTF BASE Connect:  Student Speak

Solar cells news:        Anandabazar Patrika: দরিদ্রদের নাগালে বিদ্যুৎ দিতে বদ্ধপরিকর

                                            The TelegraphVersity's solar breakthrough

Photonic synapseThe TelegraphA machine that mimics human sight

                                          Building ultrasensitive and ultrathin phototransistors and photonic synapses                                                                                                        using hybrid  superstructures

Popular science article:  Machine adapting to its environment

PV- powered underground heat exchanger for buildings:~

    1. PV-Magazine International:  PV-powered underground heat exchanger for buildings

     2. Times of India(pdf ) : Central University of Jharkhand comes up with model for controlling room temperature

     3. Vigyan Prasar(India Science wire): Researchers design Net Zero Heat exchanger System

     4. EE times India Researchers Design Net Zero Heat Exchanger System  

Perovskite Solar cells Simulation:~

     1. PV-Magazine International:  Lead-free perovskite solar cell with potential efficiency of 27.4%

      2. PV-Magazine International:  All perovskite two-terminal tandem solar cell tech with 32.3% efficiency 

      3. CUJ faculty designs solar cells of highest efficiency 

Natural dye extract for solar cell application:~

       1. The Hindu : Can the ayurvedic kamala fruit harness the power of the sun?

        2. Dainik Jagaran: Rori fall se Solar cell 

        3. Sangbad Pratidin:  সূর্য থেকে আলো শুষে শক্তি জোগাচ্ছে জঙ্গলমহলের বিশেষ ফল, আবিষ্কার বাঙালি গবেষকের

        4. Prabhat Khabor: Rori fall se Solar cell

        5.   सेंट्रल यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ़ झारखण्ड ने रोरी (कमला) फल से सोलर सेल बनाय

        6.  lagatar 24: Central University of Jharkhand researchers make solar cells from Jharkhandi fruit

       7.  The times of  truth : Can the ayurvedic kamala fruit harness the ability of the solar?

       8. Time Break: Can kamala fruit harness the power of the sun?

       9.  Divya-bharat: Can kamala fruit harness the power of the sun?

       10. Granthsala India:  Central University of Jharkhand made solar cell from the fruit of Rory, research published in International Journal of Energy Research

Phototransistors & Neuromorphic Computing:~

  1. Nature Electronics: Defects in graphene help perovskite dots grow 
  2. Advanced Science News: Helping robots think like humans 
  3. UCF Today news: UCF Researchers develop device that mimics brain cells used for Human vision 
  4. Researchers develop device that mimics brain cells used for human vision
  5. The Telegraph: A machine that mimics human sight 
  6. Breakthrough in artificial biomimetic sight 
  7. WFTV: UCF researchers build device to help machines 'see' 
  8. EurekAlert: UCF researchers develop device that mimics brain cells used for human vision 
  9. Photonics: Optoelectronic Superstructure could be applied in Neuromorphic Computing 
  10. ScienceDaily: Device mimics brain cells used for human vision 
  11. Livesciencetech: ucf researchers develop device that mimics brain cells used for human vision 
  12. Watchthemarket: The invention may help to make robots one day that can think like humans 
  13. News 96.5 Video : UCF researchers build device to help machines see
  14. Labroots: Device May Help Robots Think Like Humans 
  15. Technologynetworks: Device mimics brain cells used for Human Vision 
  16. Infiinix: Device may help Robots think like Humans 
  17. Asiaainews: A machine that mimics human sight 
  18. Scoop Today USA: For Human vision Analysts create gadget that copies synapses used 
  19. Techadopters: Optoelectronic Superstructure Could Be Applied in Neuromorphic Computing 
  20. Perovskite-info: Researchers use perovskite QDs to design a device that mimics brain cells used for human vision 
  21. Medindia: Novel device mimics brain cells used for Human Vision 
  22. Chochilino :Researchers develop device that mimics brain cells used for human vision 
  23. The Nanomed Zone: Nanoscale neuromorphic computing to mimic the human eye 
  24. Neuro-central :Vision-related brain cells mimicked using nanoscale device 
  25. Sciencenewsnet: UCF researchers develop device that mimics brain cells used for human vision 
  26. ENGGtalks: Researchers develop device that mimics brain cells used-for-human vision 
  27. Footprints eco shop: Central Florida Researchers Build Devices Mimicing Human Vision Brain Cells 
  28. Sciencesgate: Nanoscale Device Acts Like The Brain’s Visual Cortex To Directly See Things 
  29. Daily Fame live: Researchers develop device that mimics brain cells used for human vision 
  30. UCnews(Telugu) :Building ultrasensitive and ultrathin phototransistors and photonic synapses using hybrid superstructures 
  31. National Brain Mapping Lab, Iran: Researchers develop device that mimics brain cells used for human vision 
  32. Notiziescientifiche (Italy): Dispositivo neuromorfico imita cellule cerebrali della vista umana 
  33. MlActu (France ): Un dispositif neuromorphe imite les cellules cérébrales de la vision humaine 

Perovskite Solar Cells using Machine learning 

  1. Artificial intelligence scientists spray on solar
  2. UCF Today News: Artificial Intelligence may help scientists make spray on solar cells
  3. IUSSTF News in Facebook :Perovskite solar cell using machine learning  
  4. The Telegraph : Varsity’s solar breakthrough
  5. EurekAlert: Artificial intelligence may help scientists make spray-on solar cells
  6. Perovskite- Info: Artificial intelligence could help scientists identify best perovskite materials
  7. PV- Magazine : AI selecting best solar perovskites 
  8. Photonics: Machine Learning predicts how to develop high-performing solar cells 
  9. Science Daily: Artificial intelligence may help scientists make spray-on solar cells
  10. Nanowerk: Artificial intelligence may help scientists make spray-on solar cells
  11. Solar Power: Artificial intelligence may help scientists make spray-on solar cells
  12. Digital Trends: No more panels? A.I. helps create sprayable solar cells that can be painted on
  13. DesignNews: AI enables design of spray-on coating that can generate solar energy
  14. The Sized: Scientists are close to inventing spray-on solar panels
  15. Innovationtoronto : Using artificial intelligence to accelerate spray-on solar cell technology 
  16. Greot : Artificial intelligence may help scientists make spray-on solar cells 
  17. 311Institute: AI gets busy helping human scientists create the world’s first spray on solar panels 
  18. Coding Societies: Researchers use Artificial Intelligence to optimize spray-on solar cell technology 
  19. AI Development Hub:  Researchers Use Artificial Intelligence To Optimize Spray-On Solar Cell Technology 
  20. Technology times: Researchers In US & China Use Machine Learning To Make Better Solar Panels
  21.  Printedelectronicsworld: AI May Help Scientists Make Spray-on Solar Cells
  22. Futurism: scientists are working on spray-on solar panels 
  23. Bitprime: Researchers In US & China Use Machine Learning To Make Better Solar Panels
  24. Compoundsemiconductor: AI May Help Make Spray-on Perovskite Cells
  25. Solarpowermanagement: AI May Help Make Spray-on Perovskite Cells
  26.  Medium: AI may assist researchers with making spray-on solar cells
  27. PVbuzz: Artificial intelligence may help scientists at the University of Central Florida make spray-on solar cells
  28. Focustechnica: AI selecting best solar perovskites
  29. Compoundsemiconductor: AI may help make spray-on Perovskite Cells
  30. NaturalBlaze: Scientists Are Creating Solar Panels That Can Be Sprayed On Homes, Bridges, And Skyscrapers
  31. Newsbreak: Artificial Intelligence May Help Scientists Make Spray-on Solar Cells
  32. Cleanfuture: AI May Speed Up Perovskite Spray-On Solar Cells Creation
  33. Solar Association: AI enables design of spray  on coating that can generate solar energy 
  34. Cleantechnica: Researchers Use Artificial Intelligence To Optimize Spray-On Solar Cell Technology 
  35. MobyGeek: This Magic Liquid Will Turn Any Surface Into Spray-On Solar Cells
  36. Artificial intelligence may help scientists make spray-on solar cells 
  37. Intelligentliving: Spray-on Solar Technology Gets Boost Through AI
  38. Themindunleashed : Scientists are creating solar panels that can be sprayed on Homes, Bridges, and Skyscrapers

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